Course Description

The Back to Basics Academy will help you to focus on who you chose to serve and how you chose to serve them. And if you've never questioned this before, Laura is here to help you answer those questions and think of the why.

Get the boost you need to either kickstart your business, or bring it back to life with this powerful 6-month course. Also, gain exclusive access to stories & strategies from Laura's 20+ years in the travel industry, helping you to build the thriving travel business you've always dreamed of.

This course will help you with:

  • Identifying your ideal client profile
  • Identifying the struggles and motivations of your customers and how to attract them in an effective way
  • Making sales the easy way
  • Developing an ecosystem for your business
  • Learning how to create lasting moments even after your customers travel

The lessons you'll learn in the Back to Basics Academy are tried and true and based on Laura's real-life experiences. This course doesn't teacher theory – it teaches practical lessons that are meant to be put into practice each and every week so that you can build/grow your business with a winning team, demonstrate your expertise and stand out from the rest, attract only your ideal clients, and build lasting relationships with them. As CEO and Founder of See Italy Travel, Laura is here to share her successful strategy and process with you so that you can learn from her mistakes and gain insight from her victories!

The course is broken down into 12 modules:

  1. Voice your Advantages to Clients
  2. Voice your Advantages to Clients (Part II)
  3. Sketch your Ideal Client Profile
  4. Construct your compelling marketing message
  5. Package what you know, offer, and charge
  6. Get clients to call you with your pull marketing strategy
  7. Get clients to call you with your pull marketing strategy (Part 2)
  8. Go BIG or go home
  9. Create your marketing pie and use it all year-round
  10. Make marketing a top priority
  11. Master the “soft close” sale
  12. Master the “soft close” sale (Part II)

IMPORTANT: Please note that you need to create a Thinkific account BEFORE purchasing the course. 

Laura Massoni

I am so excited about this brand new webinar we've put together. It's short and sweet and will transform the way you look at newsletters, help you start writing your own "notes" that your subscribers will love to read, and train you to develop a consistent newsletter practice so as to grow your mailing list inexorably.And we will do it together!

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • Thanks for joining the Back to Basics Academy!

    • How to navigate the course platform

  • 2

    Module 1 - Voice your Advantages to Clients

    • Recording Module 1: Reflect and analyze your business & make it about your clients and not about what you do

    • Step 1 - Start examining your business

    • Step 2 - Focus on the Motivators

    • Step 3 - Find out who your competitors are

    • Step 4 - Identify your unique selling preposition

    • Step 5 - Find a way to "Purple Cow" your business

  • 3

    Module 2 - Voice your Advantages to Clients (Part II)

    • Recording Module 2: Reflect and analyze your business & make it about your clients and not about what you do

    • Step 1 - List your client Extras

    • Step 2 - Share your compelling story

    • Step 3 - List your credibility factors

    • Step 4 - Identify your niche and expertise

  • 4

    Module 3 - Sketch your Ideal Client Profile

    • Stop being everything to everyone! Learn to identify who you want and will serve: Your Ideal Client

    • Step 1 - Sketch your Ideal Client Profile

    • Step 2 - Do Anything, Pay Anything

    • Step 3 - Where do your clients hang out?

    • Step 4 - Hang out Fact finding

  • 5

    Module 4 - Construct your compelling marketing message

    • Now that you have crafted your Ideal Client profile, start communicating to them who you are and how you can help

    • Step 1 - Recap everything to create your Marketing Message

    • Step 2 - What's your Claim?

    • Step 3 - Your Elevator Speech formula

    • Step 4 - Your Message in a Tagline

    • Step 5 - Will you walk your talk?

  • 6

    Module 5 - Package what you know, offer, and charge

    • Your next step sees you creating packages and offers with your services: packages are easier to understand, trust and buy

    • Step 1 - Create your own (proprietary) Booking System

    • Step 2 - Offer Continuity Programs and Packages

    • Step 3 - Create different program options

  • 7

    Module 6 - Get clients to call you with your pull marketing strategy

    • The wonderful thing about great marketing is that you're not "pushing" your services on others, in fact, with the right materials, you will "pull" clients in towards you!

    • Step 1 - Your Pull Marketing Questions

    • Step 2 - Request Testimonials

    • Step 3 - An interview with...

    • Step 4 - Your Website

    • Step 5 - Your email signature

  • 8

    Module 7 - Get clients to call you with your pull marketing strategy (Part II)

    • Learn more about the marketing materials that speak to your ideal clients

    • Step 1 - Your Newsletter

  • 9

    Module 8 - Go BIG or go home

    • Learn more about the marketing materials that speak to your ideal clients

    • Step 1 - Warm letter of introduction

    • Step 2 - Virtual dates with Center of Influence

    • Step 3 - Strategic Alliances

    • Step 4 - Where do your clients hang out?

    • Step 5 - Speaking to attract new clients

  • 10

    Module 9 - Create your marketing pie and use it all year-round

    • Create your "Marketing pie" and use it, all year round

    • Step 1 - Your "Marketing Pie"

    • Step 2 - Your systems

    • Step 3 - Make time in your day for marketing

  • 11

    Module 10 - Make marketing a top priority

    • Make Marketing a Top Priority

    • Step 1 - Prioritize your daily tasks

    • Step 2 - Your Daily Time Breakout

    • Step 3 - Your Time Off

    • Step 4 - Create your Business Development Days

  • 12

    Module 11 - Master the “soft close” sale

    • Master the Soft Close Sale

    • Step 1 - The Obvious List

    • Step 2 - Is everything OK / Just checking in

    • Step 3 - Before your call

  • 13

    Module 12 - Master the “soft close” sale (Part II)

    • Master the “soft close” sale (Part II)

    • Step 1 - Script for the soft close

    • Step 2 - The "here is what we talked about" email

Pricing options

Explain how different pricing options might be valuable to different segments of your audience.